Monthly Archives: September 2021


Hello everyone, I made a small recap of these super useful list functions in Python: map, filter, find, reduce with a simple example.

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Hello everyone, I made a small recap of these super useful array functions in JavaScript: map, filter, find, reduce with a simple example.

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Learn how easy is to deploy a Python Flask web app using Gitlab pipelines and Heroku as a deployment platform with a simple code push.

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The importance of use User Agent to Scraping Data

Learn about the importance of using user agent in the headers of a custom request using Python and the library requests.

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Python Facebook Posts Scraper with Requests and BeautifulSoup4

Learn to scrape the latest posts from a profile, page, or group from Facebook using Python and the libraries: requests and Beautiful Soup.

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Simple React Datatable

Build your own data table component with Javascript and React using functional components, React Hooks, JSON objects, and CSS.

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